Nana Yaw Sarpong


Wonderful World of Trees

I'm from: Ghana
Current Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Position: PhD candidate, School of Natural Sciences (Plant science), College of Sciences & Engineering, University of Tasmania
Field of research/work: Eucalypt genetics
YTS Years: 2024

About Nana Yaw Sarpong

Just like humans, trees grow and change, following their own special set of genetic instructions passed on to them by their parent trees.

I’m a tree geneticist, meaning I study the DNA of trees. I get to uncover the secret instructions hidden in their cells – learning how they grow, adapt to their environment and, survive struggles. It’s just like solving a giant puzzle, which helps me understand nature better. My path to becoming a tree geneticist wasn’t straightforward – I was always very curious, but I wasn’t always the brightest student in science class.

I loved plants and forests as a kid, so I spent a couple of years working in forestry before my curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to know what goes on inside the minds of trees!

Now, I study the blueprint (also known as DNA) of Eucalyptus trees, using advanced technology to reveal their secrets. I identify the genetic instructions which help trees fight off insect pests, and to survive extreme weather. This information helps us to protect whole Eucalypt forests and make thriving environments. I love how my work is defending these iconic Australian trees.

The best part of my work is that I get to work outside, surrounded by nature! And I love sharing my discoveries with others, inspiring future scientists to follow their passions. Whether you love science or are just really curious, there is a place for you in the world of science

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