Become a Young Tassie Scientist
Interested in joining the Young Tassie Scientists?
Build your science communication skills and be part of a diverse group of young STEM professionals.
Information sessions for potential new applicants will be held in April 2025.
If you are interested in joining the program in 2025, please contact us at [email protected]
Who can join the Young Tassie Scientists?
The Young Tassie Scientist team is made up of early-career STEM professionals, including University of Tasmania research students (PhD, Masters, Honours). Whilst there is no formal age limit for volunteers in this program, most of our volunteers are under 30 years of age.
Under special circumstances we may also consider undergraduate students, but we recommend considering the time commitment involved before applying.
What do the Young Tassie Scientists do?
As a Young Tassie Scientist you will be visiting primary and secondary schools during August to share your work or research. We’ll help you prepare an interactive presentation (15-20 minutes) suitable for audiences of various ages.
The Young Tassie Scientists are ambassadors for Science Week in Tasmania, so you’ll also be supporting various National Science Week events, such as community science expos and festivals, and taking part in Science Week promotional activities, such media interviews.
What am I signing up for?
As part of the Young Tassie Scientist team, you’ll get valuable experience in presenting to various audiences, growing your profile through media, and the YTS road trips are an experience you will never forget!
As a Young Tassie Scientist, you’ll commit to:
- Attending workshops on science communication, working with the media, and developing your Young Tassie Scientist profile and interactive presentation (6 workshops, 2 hours each, held in May-July)
- Submitting a profile for the website (200 – 350 words) about yourself, along with 3-4 photos
- Developing and practicing your presentation in a school in July
- Attending at least four days of school visits during August (approximately 8:00am-3:30pm)
- Attending at least two public National Science Week events (usually 2-3 hrs maximum)
What will I gain?
Becoming a Young Tassie Scientist means joining a welcoming community of peers. You will gain:
- High quality science communication training with peer mentors, expert science communicators, and education professionals
- Access to an alumni group spanning 20 years of history with over 200 past Young Tassie Scientists
- National Science Week and Young Tassie Scientists apparel
- Food and accommodation on YTS road trips in August
- The ability to help inspire our next generation of young scientists!