Bharath Dinakaran


A tale of Hoverflies

I'm from: Hobart, Tasmania
Current Location: Hobart, Tasmania
Position: Master's candidate, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, University of Tasmania
Field of research/work: Alternate Pollinators
YTS Years: 2024

Bharath's Notable career moments

  • Clueless kid, loved science particularly plants & insects

  • Spent most of my time at family farm

  • Joined the eco club in my school

  • Enrolled to University to study Bachelors in Agriculture (India)

  • Failed my Entomology (insect) Course

  • Got fascinated by the insects when I did the course again.

  • Earned my first University degree in Agriculture

  • Enrolled at UTAS for Masters in Agriculture Science

  • Started to study & research flies as alternate pollinators

  • Forever Studying the Flies, Forever Exploring, and forever enjoying.

About Bharath Dinakaran

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by lush green fields, there was a young boy named Bharath. From a very young age, Bharath loved spending time on his grandfather’s farm. He would wake up early, hop on his grandfather’s old scooter, and ride to the fields. He loved watching the sun rise and seeing the plants sparkle with morning dew. He was fascinated by how plants grew and wanted to learn everything about them. As Bharath grew older, he joined his school’s Eco Club. He participated in exciting activities like visiting forests, planting trees, and learning about different plants. One day, he met a tour guide who spoke passionately about plants. Inspired by this guide, Bharath decided he wanted to learn as much as he could about agriculture and help farmers grow better crops.

Bharath went on to study Agricultural Sciences at college, excited about learning new things and helping farmers back home. However, there was one subject that troubled him – Entomology, the study of insects. Despite his best efforts, Bharath failed the course. Feeling disappointed but determined, he refused to give up. One summer, Bharath was given a chance to work as a summer student at South Pacific Seeds. There, under the guidance of experienced scientists, he noticed something fascinating. There were these tiny insects called hoverflies that looked like bees but didn’t sting. They flew around the flowers, and Bharath observed that they were doing something important. Curious, he researched and discovered that these hoverflies were pollinators, just like bees. They helped plants reproduce by transferring pollen from one flower to another. Inspired by this discovery and the mentorship he received, Bharath decided to study Entomology in detail again and found himself fascinated by the incredible role of hoverflies in agriculture. This renewed passion, fuelled by the support of his mentors, led him to explore the potential of these amazing insects further.

Bharath started researching how hoverflies could help farmers. He discovered that hoverflies not only pollinate plants but also eat pests that damage crops. This meant that they could help plants grow and protect them from harmful insects, all without using chemical pesticides. Despite his initial failure in Entomology, Bharath didn’t give up. He began working on a project to raise hoverflies on farms. He learned about the best conditions for their growth and how many hoverflies were needed to make a difference. His research showed that hoverflies could reduce the costs of manual pollination and chemical pest control, making farming more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Bharath’s determination and passion for agriculture paid off. He shared his findings with farmers, teaching them how to use hoverflies to improve their crops. The farmers were amazed and grateful. They started using hoverflies on their farms, and soon, their crops were healthier, and the environment was cleaner. Bharath’s journey taught him that failure is just a stepping stone to success. He showed that with determination and a love for learning, anyone can overcome challenges and make a difference. He inspired many young minds to follow their passions and believe in themselves, no matter how tough the journey might seem.
And so, Bharath continued his work with hoverflies, making the world a greener and healthier place, one farm at a time. And he knew that his story would inspire many more young minds to dream big and never give up.

The character Bharath mentioned in this story is me!!!:)

Bharath's Photo Gallery