About YTS
Find Out What Scientists Really Do.

The Young Tassie Scientists program connects academics who are passionate about their work, with the Tasmanian community!
Through a certified training program, Utas students become Young Tassie Scientists, ready to visit schools all around Tasmania and share their work through talks and activities. The YTS also participate in community science festivals and expos, as ambassadors for science during National Science Week.
The Young Tassie Scientists program
- shares engaging presentations by inspiring role models – showing how every subject has (at least) a little bit of science in it
shows school students of all ages the connections between studying at school, at university and career opportunities - provides teachers with opportunities to strengthen their knowledge of current research done here in Tasmania
- provides early career researchers with opportunities to build their science communication skills, and complete 12.5% coursework
- shares insights into the life and work of researchers with the wider community.
Since 2017 the Young Tassie Scientists program has consistently reached an audience of over 27,000 Tasmanians every August. That’s 5% of the Tasmanian population who has spoken with a Young Tassie Scientist face-to-face as part of National Science Week!
The Young Tassie Scientists program is proudly supported by the University of Tasmania and the Australian Government through National Science Week funding.
National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology, raising community awareness of the value and relevance of science and encouraging young people to be fascinated by the world we live in.
view heaps of YTS YouTube videos HERE